Bruce Wolf Child

Bruce Wolf Child - Makoyiipokaa - Wolf Child
Elder on the Elders Advisory Council of Red Crow Community College for 20 plus years. Has also worked for various departments such as Children's Services, Board of Education, Tribal Govt. Peace Maker Program, three years Tribal Police service and offers spiritual guidance to the community. He is a member of the sacred societies for 13 years such as Magpie Society which absorbed the Eagle Society and a member of the Brave Dogs Society. He is a singer of the traditional and sacred Blackfoot songs. Bruce sings for various societies and events such as PowWows, All Night Smoke, Horns Society, Buffalo Women Society, Sacred Medicine Society and many more. Has been a singer for more than 50 years and blessed with songs from over 20 elders.
He lives and works on Kainai Blood Reserve, has been for the past 70 years and has yet to retire. He made a promise to The Creator to help the Blackfoot people for as long as he can to ensure that the culture is not lost to future generations to come. His Blackfoot name means "Wolf Child" which is now the 4th generation of the name and is awaiting to pass it on. A grandfather himself but takes the whole reserve as his family. Raised traditionally with the Niitsitapi values by his grandmother for seven years before going to boarding school. He was adopted by his grandmother when she was 85 years. He is experienced in storytelling, drum making and is also an Elder for the Siksika First Nation which is part of the Blackfoot Confederacy.