Our Programs
With a variety of programs from certificates & diplomas, to bachelor's degrees, and graduate studies, we want to contribute to your culture, education, and training needs.

The mission of Mi'kai'sto Red Crow Community College
Inspiring Our Students
At Mikai’sto, Red Crow Community College, we are inspired to meet the cultural, educational and training needs of the learners aspiring for post-secondary education in Indigenous Knowledge Systems. The Academic Programs offer a unique form of both academic and indigenous knowledge systems while simultaneously students are mentored by eminent scholars educated through decades of involvement in Pommaksinn.

Integrated with Blackfoot Knowledge and Culture
All course in the Programs have been integrated with Niisitapisskska’takssin, the Blackfoot Knowledge Paradigm. Moreover, students are supported in embracing the transformative educational processes of a renewal of Indigenous ways of knowing, the transfer of sacred sciences and practices.