Niitsitapi Business Administration Certificate (NBA)
The Niitsitapi School of Business in collaboration with Athabasca University offer a 1-year Business Administration Certificate, laddering into a two-year diploma option.

Program Description
The Niitsitapi Business Administration Program is a dynamic and unique program offered through Red Crow Community College Main Campus. NBAP offers learners theory-into-practice management education. Leading to the development of skill sets that are transferable to a wide spectrum of employment opportunities. Students take a variety of business and Kainai based courses.
After the first year of study, students are eligible for a Red Crow Community College Certificate. Students that wish to pursue the second year of study will be eligible for a Red Crow Community College. The program offers a unique blend of modern business theory intertwined with Siksikaitsitapi values and world view.
Cohorts start each Fall. Courses are offered September – June
Application Deadline June 30
For more information, please contact Program Lead:
Flora Day Rider BMgmt, MBA Email:
Phone Number: 403-737-2400, ext. 8778
Admission Requirements
Math 30-1 60%
Math 30-2 65%
English 30-1 60%
English 30-2 65%
Submitted Transcripts
Business Administration Certificate
Skill development will encompass areas of business communication, human resource management, contract law, organizational development, accounting, finance, economics, marketing, and technology.

Business Administration Certificate
Explore a program that will lead you into a dynamic career. Learn the skills that are the backbone of today’s business.

KS-100: Kainai Studies
NBA 101: Calculation and Communication
NBA 107: Information Technology
NBA 111: Business Ethics and CSR
NBA 113: Entrepreneurship
NBA 115: Economics
SOC 150: Innovation through CrossCultural Cooperation
INBU 201: Introduction to Indigenous Business
INBU 250: Financial & Management Accounting for Indigenous Institutions and Organizations
INBU 350: Indigenous Marketing and Data Collection and Analysis
SOCI _ _ _: Cross Cultural Communication
NBA 225: Finance
NBA 227: Organizational Behavior
NBA 223: Business Communications
NBA 229: Introduction to Management
INBU 330: Public Administration & Law in Indigenous Business
INBU 461: Indigenous Community Planning & Economic Development I
INBU 462: Indigenous Community Planning & Economic Development I
INBU 490: Applied Research in Indigenous Business
Ready to Enrol?

Funding Available
Apply for FundingAfter applying to the program online, a Student Funding Advisor will contact the applicant. Note: Continuing students must apply for funding every academic year.
· Main Campus: Lori Brave Rock
(403) 737-2400 ext. 4356
· Satellite Campus: Rene White Quills –
(403) 327-6984 ext. 1767