We offer a unique form of both academic and Indigenous knowledge systems, all courses in the programs have been integrated with Niisitapisskska'takssin, the Blackfoot Knowledge Paradigm.
Health Care Aides are valued members of the health care team.
Niitsitapi Environmental Science Certificate (NESC)
Students will learn foundational courses to further their studies in science.
Students will gain in depth knowledge of inter-generational trauma, psychological disorders, and the effects of colonialism on the community.
The Niitsitapi Agriculture Certificate is a 1 year program that consists of 10 courses (30 credits) in Agricultural Production and Agricultural Business Management.
The program is intended for the reclamation, revitalization, and strengthening of Indigenous languages with a focus on Blackfoot.
The Livestock Production Certificate will offer online and hands-on training to students interested in or already participating in Livestock industries.
A 10-month (full-time) certificate program that will prepare students to work alongside teachers and education professionals.
The Niitsitapi School of Business in collaboration with Athabasca University offer a 1-year Business Administration Certificate, laddering into a two-year diploma option.
The 2+2 program is designed specifically for students who plan to pursue a degree at a university level and will allow a smooth transition to a university setting.
The Niitsitapi Literacy & Adult Upgrading Program provides meaningful educational opportunities for all learners and encourages a successful educational journey.
The Indigenous Bachelor of Social Work is an accredited specialty degree that applies Indigenous knowledge to social work practice.
This innovative, unique program is based on our Niitsitapi Ways of Living and Learning.
Looking to join us at Red Crow Community College? Find information all about how to apply, admission requirement, admission process, and funding availability.
Find out about our step-by-step process
View fees overview
Complete the Post-Secondary Student Support Program Sponsorship application form
we offer admission on a first-qualified, first-accepted basis
Foundational Learning Assistance funding. For the purpose of Adult Upgrading by Red Crow Community College.
At Red Crow Community College, we enrich our students academic and professional life in a safe space. Our new building serves to bring students together in cultural gathering spaces, counselling, and workshops.
Red Crow Community College is a specialized post-secondary institution located on the Blood Reserve in Southern Alberta. Our mission is to meet the cultural, educational, and training needs for Kainaiwa and beyond.