
Post Secondary Funding

Funding Application Deadline June 15th of every year
(No exceptions)

rendering of the interior of the Red Crow college
To transfer something to others


To ensure that First Nations students have the same opportunities for success as other Canadian students.


Information and Documents that are required to assist to determine funding approval

Bl0od Tribe Post Secondary Agreement Form

Grant the Blood Tribe Post-Secondary Student Support Program the right to request and receive information pertaining to your academic performance during your studies from the attending Institution while under their sponsorship.

Funding Application Requirements

Step 1: Apply

- In person at Main or Satellite Campus
- Or by email
- Online

Step 2: Submit Requirements

- Funding Application - Funding Applications Must be submitted to PSSSP before on or before June 15 of every year.

- Transcripts – Transcripts are records of past schooling classes/course taken. Transcripts given from High Schools, Colleges, and or Universities. RCCC, PSSSP requests transcripts from all areas if you have attended in more than one area.

- Acceptance Letter – An acceptance is what the student has received from the school they are applying to attend.  

- Alberta Health Care Card – AHC will be needed for all dependants and children being claimed on application.

- Proof of Tribal Membership – You can get this card from your local membership department.  

- Direct Deposit Form – All students are required to submit a direct deposit form, once approved for funding students will be set up on direct deposit.

- Guardianship Documents if applicable – If a student is the legal guardian of children other than their biological children RCCC, PSSSP requires legal documents in order to access the funding for those children.

- Other - If the student has other special requirements that pertain to their Educational Journey i.e. medical, disability, and or reduced course load. RCCC, PSSSP does require a copy of these documents as well.

Step 3: Application Evaluation

Students Fill out Application Form

Request for required documents from agencies i.e. Schools for transcripts, Health for AHC, Band office for membership proof.

Attach all required Documents

Make copy for self and to be submitted to Post-Secondary.

Please note that Funding deadline is June 15 of every year, we do not encourage students to apply last minute, however, if you do not have all the required documents please submit the Funding Application on or before the June 15th deadline. Once remaining documents have been received you can submit them to be added to your file, no later than August 1 of every year.

Step 4: Application Review

Application is reviewed by RCCC, PSSSP to determine approval, units, and for order of application priority (continuing student, returning, new, or out for many years).  

Once application has been reviewed it is determined if student is approved or denied  

A letter will be sent out to the student stating approved or denied and why.

If student is approved for funding a “Conditional Acceptance” is then sent to the student with direction of the next steps.

Step 5: Reserve Your Seat

Student will receive either an acceptance letter or decline letter from the institution they have applied to.

If student is in good standing with PSSSP (Grades, GPA, Units) student will receive letter stating conditional acceptance (this allows student to submit all documents as listed). The PSSSP will then write a letter to the Institution that the student has applied to stating that PSSSP will cover the seat deposit cost (usually about $150.00 - $300.00) depending on the institution.

If student has not yet received/submitted all required documents, they must then continue to retrieve required documents from the specific departments and or agencies. All other documents must be submitted no later then August 1 of every year.

Step 6: Registration

Once a student has been confirmed as being sponsored (all documents submitted).

Student will then be able to register for his/her classes, PSSSP needs a copy of their registration (Class list for the semester they are entering)

Step 7: Program Planning Guide

All students must then make an appointment with an academic advisor to have a Program Planning Guide PPG set up, once completed by academic advisor student then submits PPG to counsellor at Red Crow Community College, Post-Secondary Student Support Program.

rendering of the interior of the Red Crow college

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to apply for funding?

- Funding Application - Proof of Tribal Membership - Health Care Cards - Proof of Guardianship documents - Letter from Social Agencies stating the guardian is not receiving funds for care of child/children (If this applies to applicant). All applicants will be required to sign a contract and a release of information form before the start of his/her contract.

What does my funding cover?

- Books - Tuition - Training Allowance If students are partially funded students receive Books and Tuition only.

How long will I be funded?

This is dependant on the Institution student applies to as well as the program. -UCEPP 15 units -College level 8 – 32 units depending on Diploma -University level 32 – 56 units depending on Degree -Masters level 24 units -Doctorate 24 units In order for students to remain on the funding list, all students must remain in good standing with their funding units and their Grade Point Average above 2.0

What Grade Point Average (GPA) do I need to have to remain in good standing?

2.00 to 4.00 good standing - 0.80 to 1.99 puts you on probation 0.80 or lower automatically suspended from funding. Red Crow PSSSP looks at the “Current GPA”

Does my Grade Point Average follow me?

Yes It does, regardless of what school you attend and how you may finish your GPA is something PSSSP looks at when sponsoring students - Another reason why your GPA is very important is for those students who may want to continue on to graduate studies, many graduate studies programs look at a 3.0 or better GPA.

How can I check my application status?

The funding application from FLA may appear in your emails junk or spam folder. You must complete the application within 30 days, or the application link will expire.


Apply for Funding

how to apply