
How to Apply

All applicants must complete both a student application and a funding application and submit transcripts.

rendering of the interior of the Red Crow college
Being Helpful to Others

General Requirements

To be admitted to RCCC, applicants must meet the admission requirements for the program to which they are applying.

For Post-Secondary Programs:

A personal interview with a Post-Secondary Counsellor is mandatory with the initial application.  Thereafter, all continuing students must submit a registration form from each institution they are attending. If a student is placed on probation during the year, another interview is required.

For Mature Students:

Applicants applying through the mature student admission route do not require a high school diploma. They must be 21 years of age or older as of September 30th of each year and have been out of school for a full academic year. They must meet the English 30-1 or equivalent requirement.

For University and College Preparation (UCEP):

Students must have completed Grade 9, 10 or 11 and must possess 65 to 75 credits at the Grade 11 level or equivalent. They must provide their most recent high school transcript. If students have not completed Grade 11, they are required to take a placement test prior to admission into the program. If you are applying for UCEPP or a RCCC Post-Secondary Program, you must also fill out a Post-Secondary funding application form.

Post-Secondary Academic Information

RCCC offers the Niitsitapi Arts & Science program, which allows post-secondary students to enrol in a first and second-year university transfer courses.RCCC academic programs have a working relationship with other colleges and universities: Lethbridge College, University of Lethbridge, Mount Royal University, Bow Valley College, University of Calgary and other First Nation Colleges/Universities. RCCC acquires course transfer credit with other educational institutions on a course by course transfer credit agreement. This accommodates students seeking admission into their professional programs that require specific courses as part of its pre-admission criteria.RCCC became a member of ACAT (Alberta Council and Transfer) in September 2007. It is expected that students seek the necessary guidance and counsel when applying and enrolling in a Post-Secondary Program.


Tutoring services are available upon request through the counselor who will arrange for tutors and a time schedule during a study period or after class time.

RCCC Counseling Department

Student counselling services assists students in their career planning and decision making, providing information on courses and programs. Assistance/referrals to other agencies is available. Each counsellor has an estimated case load of 80 sponsored students. The counsellors will assist students in any way possible to succeed in their studies.

Application Process

Step 1: Apply

Complete the Post-Secondary Student Support Program Sponsorship application form (PSSP) if applying for funding (available on RCCC’s website under the Post-Secondary tab). Funding application deadline is June 15th.

Step 2: Submit Requirements 

Provide official high school transcripts (You can order your Alberta high school transcripts online at Out of Province: If your educational institution is outside of Alberta, contact the Department of Education or high school in the province in which you attended high school. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to Red Crow Community College. Current High School Students: Submit a transcript of completed courses and marks. Include a list or timetable of all courses you are or will be enrolled in and any interim (midterm marks). Final transcripts/marks must be submitted within one month of the completion of the course and no later than one month prior to the program start date. Provide Official Post-Secondary Transcripts: If you have attended any college, technical school, or university, contact the Office of the Registrar of the institution you attended and request your official transcripts be sent directly to Red Crow Community College. 

Step 3: Application Evaluation:

We process applications based on the date we receive your transcripts and other admission requirements, and we offer admission on a first-qualified, first-accepted basis. Once your transcripts have been reviewed, if you meet the requirements for your program, you may be offered admission. If you do not meet the academic requirements for your program, we will provide you with other available options such as taking the required course(s) through the Adult Upgrading Program.

Step 4: Reserve your Seat

If you receive an Offer of Admission, your final step is to accept the offer and reserve your seat. To reserve your seat, you must provide proof of eligibility for funding.

  1. Attend an initial intake meeting. Application package to be completed by testing date
  2. Take Academic Assessment Testing (AccuPlacer). Contact: Campbell Eagle Child at (403) 737-2400 or Gerald Wright(403) 327-6984
  3. Complete a Ready, Willing, and Able interview
  4. Complete funding application, if applicable. Funding Application Deadlines: Fall Semester (September – January) - June 15th Winter Semester (January – June) - November 30th

1. Complete funding application form

2. Interview with a Post-Secondary Counsellor

A personal interview with a Post-Secondary Counsellor is mandatory with the initial application. Thereafter, all continuing students must submit a registration form from each institution they are attending. If a student is placed on probation during the year, another interview is required.

3. Gather Documents & Complete Registration

Registration/transcripts are required for each semester as follows:

September - December | January – April | May - June | July - August

4. Receipt of Application

Applications for financial support received by Blood Tribe Post-Secondary must include the following documentation: Application form issued by Blood Tribe Post-Secondary Documentary proof, such as a Treaty Number, Health Care Card, and number of dependents that the applicant is a Blood Tribe memberProof of application to a post-secondary institution for admission into a post secondary program of study (Acceptance Letter, Offer of Seat Letter & official transcripts)

5. Processing

Applicants lacking the above documentation will not be processed until all documentation is received. Funding Application Opens: January 1st – June 15th. This application covers all the 12 months; September 1st – August 31st. All continuing, full time, and part time student applications must be in on or before the above date, regardless of whether the student is accepted by the institution. No exceptions will be made for late applications.

Funding Available

Your education is an important investment, and you don't want to be worried about your finances while your focussed on completing your program. Funding is availible for specific programs or in general. Explore all funding options that are available!

apply for funding
rendering of the interior of the Red Crow college


Application deadlines can be different dependant on the program that you are applying to. Check the program detail page for specific deadlines.

Acceptance Application Decision

Registration/transcripts are required for each semester as follows: September - December | January – April | May - June | July - August

Funding Application Decision

Funding Application Deadlines: Fall Semester (September – January) - June 15th Winter Semester (January – June) - November 30th. This application covers all the 12 months; September 1st – August 31st. All continuing, full time, and part time student applications must be in on or before the above date, regardless of whether the student is accepted by the institution. No exceptions will be made for late applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions students have about applications and funding.

How long does the application process take?

We process applications based on the date we receive your transcripts and other admission requirements, and we offer admission on a first-qualified, first-accepted basis. Once your transcripts have been reviewed, if you meet the requirements for your program, you may be offered admission.

How do I request transcripts from a Post Secondary institution?

If you have attended any college, technical school, or university, contact the Office of the Registrar of the institution you attended and request your official transcripts be sent directly to Red Crow Community College.

I am a current high school student, how do I provide my transcripts?

Submit a transcript of completed courses and marks. Include a list or timetable of all courses you are or will be enrolled in and any interim (midterm marks). Final transcripts/marks must be submitted within one month of the completion of the course and no later than one month prior to the program start date.

How do I request my high school transcripts?

You can order your Alberta high school transcripts online at Out of Province: Contact the Department of Education or high school in the province in which you attended high school. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to Red Crow Community College.

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RCCC offers a range of credentials in certificate, diploma, and specialized degree programs. Our college collaborates with other post-secondary institutions to offer the best educational journey for students.
how to apply